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I had the honor of being the Artist Coordinator for the East Lake Artist Village: A one month long community engagent art event in October 2015. There were atleast 30 Visual and Performance Artists involved with this project.

East Lake Artist Village Vision

Artists and the art they create are an integral part of every community.The East Lake Artist Village (ELAV),

a part of REVIVE 2.0 East Lake, is a monthlong festival of artists at work who are energizing and activating spaces in a one-block business district of East Lake. People of all ages can observe, participate in, and make art together as a community. The ELAV artists will:

• Synergize the spaces with a cross-pollination of art and artists working

• Give people the opportunity to see the art being made and practiced;

• Provide free classes and workshops open to all ages;

• Create works of art with community participants; and

• Create partnerships with local merchants to make the arts a part of community revitalization.

ELAV: A collaborative project between Alabama Dance Council’s Dance in Public Places, REV Birmingham’s REVIVE 2.0 East Lake, Create Birmingham, East Lake Merchant Association & many creative people residing in Birmingham. Made possible, in part, by the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham, Daniel
Foundation of Alabama, Alabama State Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. A very special thanks goes to Mr. Vince Amaro.

photo taken by Artist David Murray of Installation Artist Katie Gonzales Piece "Bridge"

© 2021 by Celeste Pfau

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