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is a month long experimental art show that

will explore the common creative pulse

between various art and life disciplines.


For example:


How does the language of math relate to the

language of dance, or how does the language

of music relate to the language of visual

art, theatre, and or writing? How do your most

routine and mundane tasks in your daily life

become art?


Celeste Pfau will create and host an

environment that invites the viewer to ask

and explore these kinds of questions.


Also, LIVING ROOM will be a collaborative

non-hierarchical and non-competitive space

where participants can look,learn, make and

respond to each other’s projects. Artists from

the ASFA community and Birmingham community

will be invited to respond to the space

and to each other’s creations

throughout the month.


NOTE: Celeste will be in the LIVING ROOM

gathering stories and making art works that

respond to the collaborative projects.Celeste’s

art and documentation of the LIVING ROOM will

be presented throughout the month and

conclude closing day 2/26/16


The Vulcan Materials Gallery at

The Alabama School of Fine Arts:

1800 Eighth Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203



Opening: Friday 1/29/16 3:00-6:30pm


Closing Reception: Friday 2/26/16 5:00-7:00pm


Celeste is sending out an OPEN CALL

(active now until 2/26/16) to the ASFA Arts

and Math & Science community as well as the

Greater Birmingham community. She is looking

for artists and makers of all skill levels,

disciplines and age groups interested in

sharing and cross pollinating their artforms

with one another.

Please contact


Celeste will be in the LIVING ROOM

hosting and making:


 Friday:1/29                   12:00-6:30pm

 Mondays: 2/1,2/8,2/15,2/22    8:00am-12:00pm

 Friday:2/26                   5:00-7:00pm

 Visiting Artists Days

Thursdays: 2/4,2/11,2/18,2/25  1:30pm-4:30pm


SHOW & TELL ((Share your works 5 min/piece))

Saturdays:2/13,2/20           11:00am-2:00pm

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